my services
What Sets You Apart?
Identify your target audience, discover your message, and how to communicate it by developing a simple marketing plan framework. After a joint fact-finding and brainstorming session, I'll produce a report that itemizes specific tasks, associated budget, and timing to help your company expand, improve, or evolve.
How Strong is Your Online Presence?
Build a new website, or refresh an existing one to create a consistent, compelling message tailored to your target audience. We'll guide you every step of the way—from underlying strategy and a user-friendly structure, to a smartly branded “look and feel,” effective content writing, and savvy search engine optimization (SEO).
Are You Remembering to Connect Face-to-Face?
Develop simple yet powerful interactions—from the way your staff answers the phone or talks about your business at a trade show, to a national speaking engagement, a memorable presentation at a TEDx conference (don't worry, I've ghost-written those too), or even an informative talk at your local Rotary Club / Neighborhood Association.
Blogs & Social Media
How Can You Amplify Your Online Presence?
Consider expanding your outreach with a blog and/or social media. I assist clients with initial set-up, in-depth training, and processes that help make routine posting easy. I'm also available to provide ongoing guidance, assistance, copy-editing, or I can ghost-write content for you.